Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Independent Candidates in GE11

Last October at the Kilkeconomics festival I met a group of lovely people who were setting up a NEW party called Direct Democracy Ireland. However, as the Irish Election was called sooner than expected, DDI were not registered as a party and therefore couldn't run their candidates.

A few of them though decided to run as independents.

This is the link to DDI

May I wish Raymond Whitehead and Paul Clarke the very best of luck in their constituencies of Dublin South and Dublin North Central.

Ireland needs strong individuals to make the changes Ireland needs right now and the candidates I support in Cork South West and in Dublin are strong honest human beings.

I request you support the new Independent candidates in your constituency who desire to bring about positive change within our political system and who have the moral tenacity, vision and honesty to bring about these much needed changes within Irish society.

I will be voting for the 5 Independents in Cork South West in GE11. I pray for change in Ireland now, without it we are sunk!

Change the way you vote!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life in Ireland

This is a link to David McWilliams latest article. I'm posting it along with another of his links, The People's Economy. Trust me, these are worth a read and a listen too.

My sincere thanks to David McWilliams and his cohorts who are doing what they do best, helping us to help ourselves, by educating people on economics and telling us the truth! Ireland needs honesty NOW!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just view this guy

He is a brilliant artist, please take a look at his work.

Thank you,


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dave McInerney Independent candidate in Cork South West GE11

Have you been wondering and searching for the candidate you'd like to vote for in Ireland's General Election 2011?

I have and I've come up with a man I am giving my number 1 vote to.
His name is Dave McInerney and he is in Cork South West Constituency.
Dave, like me, wants a Better Ireland.
His policies are aligned to my own wishes for what I believe Ireland needs NOW!

Go and check Dave out for yourself. This is the link to his site.

I am hoping that all of the 233 independents get elected and that the "Old Parties"
are not elected, as they have in my opinion, ruined Ireland.

In one of my previous blogs, I did state that I would run in this general election, however,
Direct Democracy Ireland were not registered as a party by the time the election was announced and I did not want to run as an independent. Plus in that time, I realised that I have no desire or need to be a public figure. I struggled with this, however, I can not and would not deny my truth.
I am happy to know this about myself and I honour this fact too. Maybe, in time that will change, I don't know. Time will tell.

Ireland right now is on the cusp of change and I pray that her people have the courage to make this change real, by voting in these new Independents and finally ridding us of the old political system. A system that has not worked for many many years!

My best wishes to all the new independents and congratulations for having the courage to put yourselves forward in General Election 2011. Your task is not an easy one, but then change is something we all find difficult, however, it is necessary right now, in Ireland.

I wish Dave McInerney the very best on the 25th February.

Slainte agus beannacht,
